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AMVETS Issues 'Rolling To Remember' Challenge

Writer: AMVETS MediaAMVETS Media

Updated: Apr 14, 2020


WASHINGTON D.C. - For 32 years every Memorial Day, action has been taken to raise awareness for the critical issues facing our nation’s veterans. In 2020, AMVETS will continue the tradition through the Rolling to Remember Challenge.

As always, the health and safety of our riders and the veteran community is our top priority. Due to the federal and state restrictions on public gatherings and the guidance of public health officials amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Rolling to Remember motorcycle demonstration will not take place in Washington, D.C.

Instead, we are asking each of you to ride 22 miles on Sunday, May 24, 2020 in your local communities. Here’s how you can participate:

· Sign up to ride

· Download the REVER app from the App Store or Google Play to plan, track and share your ride

· Ride 22 miles on May 24 and/or DONATE.

Of course, we encourage all riders to monitor and observe state and local guidelines on social distancing. Please join AMVETS leadership at 6:00pm CT / 7:00 PM EST today at AMVETS National Headquarter's Facebook page for the official announcement.

As we remain committed to advocate for the 82,000 prisoners of war and those missing in action as well as the lives lost to veteran suicide, we are asking all participants and those passionate about our mission to sign a petition to demand action from Congress. You can sign the petition here now through May 23.

We appreciate your support and flexibility during an unprecedented time in our nation’s history. We look forward to coming together, even stronger than before, to continue this important tradition in-person in 2021.


Contact: Miles Migliara, National Communications Manager, AMVETS | (301) 395-7486

4 תגובות

Nathan Adrian
Nathan Adrian
20 בינו׳ 2023

Ukraine is currently at war and thousands of innocent people are dying, who simply lived in their own country and did their usual things. Russia has declared war on Ukraine and is killing civilians. To read true information or help Ukraine go to the site

This fund provides assistance to the Ukrainian military and brings Ukraine's victory over Russia closer


22 במאי 2020



Robert Pelt
Robert Pelt
22 באפר׳ 2020

I will ride on May 24th in remebrance of Rolling Thunder


08 באפר׳ 2020

Cancellation of the very first Rolling to Remember ride is a shame. It is a smart move however considering the Covid19 issue. I will be looking forward to next years inaugural’s ride.

Copy of Copy of Should city officials names be attached to a veterans memorial in Shafter,
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